The Steering Committee of the Inter–Departmental Postgraduate Program (MSc) Biomedical Engineering: of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (BME–AUTh) announces the enrollment of forty (40) Postgraduate students for the academic year 2022–2023. The BME–AUTh was founded on 17/8/2021 (FEK, issue 2, 3807).
Aim of the Postgraduate Program
The aim of BME–AUTh is to provide expert knowledge on using and developing advanced applications of biomedical engineering technologies in health systems for prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation. The BME–AUTh is targeting on selecting excellent graduates from relevant Departments, national and international, and educating them in biomedical engineering so as to build up a human potential of high theoretical training and knowledge that meets the requirements of the rapidly developing technological evolution in biomedical engineering in Greece and abroad. The graduates of BME–AUTh will aptly cover the needs in scientific experts in the area of technology in health services.
The field of development of biomedical systems and applications and their evolution relies on the synergy of scientists with a broad spectrum of knowledge and the understanding of fundamental sciences of Medicine, Biology, Engineering and Informatics. This multifaceted coexistence of scientists of different disciplines will allow for the broadening, enrichment and merging of separate know–how approaches to attain the development of high–level health technologies and health industrial system evolution. This will definitely contribute to upgrading health care systems in Greece and elsewhere.
Description of Postgraduate Program
The MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (BME–AUTh) spans across three (3) semesters. Students are required to attend courses during first two semesters (A & B) for a total of 60 ECTS. During the third (C) semester students complete their master’s thesis which corresponds to 30 ECTS. Second semester students are given the opportunity to prepare an extensive research postgraduate thesis. In this case the student is obliged to attend only the compulsory courses of semesters A and B, which correspond to 40 ECTS. During semester B, in agreement with the supervising professors of the postgraduate program, the student prepares part of the diploma thesis (Part A) corresponding to 20 ECTS (instead of 20 ECTS of the courses); the remaining research diploma thesis is completed during the third semester (Part B, 30 ECTS). Attendance is in person and mandatory for all courses, lectures, seminars, laboratories and other activities.
The official language of the BME–AUTh is English.
Categories of Candidates
To meet the entry requirements, candidates should be graduates of Departments of Universities, Technical Universities or Schools of Engineering in Greece or equivalent recognized institutions abroad issuing degrees and diplomas related to the fields of specialization of BME–AUTh.
It is noted that candidates who acquired their degrees abroad should also submit the certificate of equivalence from the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Centre (Hellenic NARIC) or an application for recognition to Hellenic NARIC (this is not a pre–requisite for admission but it is a pre–requisite for obtaining the MSc BME–AUTh Degree).
Tuition Fees
The tuition fee is 750 € per semester for EU citizens and 1500 € per semester for non‐EU citizens. The amount must be paid in the beginning of each semester on account in Special Account for Research Funds AUTh.
Submission Documents
Candidates must submit the following supporting documents:
• Application that can be downloaded from the BME–AUTh home–page
• Identity Card or Passport.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• Undergraduate Degree(s) and, if applicable, Postgraduate Degree(s). If any Degree is from
a University or Institute abroad, certificate issued by the Hellenic National Recognition
and Information Center (Hellenic N.A.R.I.C. / Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π.) for the equivalence of the
Degree to respective Degree of Greek Institute should also be included. The latter is not mandatory at the stage of submission and possibly enrollment, but it is pre-requisite for obtaining the MSc BME-AUTh Degree.
• Detailed course and grade list regarding Undergraduate or/and Postgraduate Degree(s), or Degree Appendix as attached to the Degree(s) (Transcript of Records).
• Two (2) recommendation letters. The letters can be submitted by the applicant along the other documents or can be sent directly by the signing person to The recommendation letter can be written in English or Greek.
• Certificate of English language mastering at least at the the level B2 (not applied to native English speakers).
• Personal statement that elaborates on the applicant’s scientific background, interest for scientific fields of the BME-AUTh, expectations from the BME-AUTh and any professional relevance.
• Certificates of former employment and any other professional qualifications document (if applicable).
• Any other documents that the applicant believes they should be considered for the evaluation of his/her application.
The Certificate of English language fluency should be one of the following:
(a) Greek state certificate of language proficiency of a corresponding level, as it is stated in the replacement of the law 2740/1999, in par. 19 of article 13 of law 3119/2003.
(b) CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH (CPE) of The University of Cambridge or The University of Michigan.
Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES).
(e) The British Council – IDP Education Australia IELTS Australia with a score of 6.5 or higher.
(f) Any other certificate of language proficiency as stated in the Greek Law (undergraduate or postgraduate studies at English-speaking Universities, nationals of English-speaking countries, etc.)
To participate in the selection process, candidates must submit the supporting documents as separate electronic files in jpeg or pdf format.
The candidates who have not yet obtained the degree can still apply and submit the supporting documents as well as a confirmation of the Department Secretarial that certifies the number of due courses or any other obligation (e.g. graduate / diplom thesis) and the current average grade.
Criteria and Selection Process
The evaluation of the applications and the ranking of the candidates is done by at least three members of the Coordinating Committee of BME-AUTh, which is also the candidate Selection Committee.
● The final degree grade.
● The performance of the candidate in undergraduate courses related to the topics of BME–
● The performance of the candidate in his / her diploma thesis.
● Any existing professional or research activity related to the topics of BME–AUTh.
● The possession of other undergraduate or postgraduate degrees related to the topics of
● Publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings.
In the second phase, the evaluation of all candidates is based on the results of interviews set by
the candidate Selection Committee.
Scoring criteria for the selection of candidates
For the quantitative evaluation of the criteria, a scoring system is applied as follows: Degree credits: The score is calculated by the following formula: “coefficient * (final degree or diploma grade)“. The coefficient is a) 1.6, b) 1.8 and c) 2.0 if the degree is respectively from:
a) Departments of Universities and former Technological Educational Institutions with undergraduate study programs of duration less than four years,
Relevant research or/and professional experience credits: the score can be up to 10 points. Letters of recommendation credits: the score can be up to 5 points.
as reading and comprehension, their analytical skills, the reasons for which they applied for the specific postgraduate program, etc.
The Application Form together with the required supporting documents (in jpeg or pdf file formats) should be submitted by email to the address:
The application, attached with the supporting documents, for the candidates that are interested to attend the BME–AUTh Inter–departmental Postgraduate Program of 2021–2022 academic year, must be submitted from 16th of May till 31th of August 2022.
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